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Promotion terms and conditions for promotional campaigns – Digital Marketing:

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QuicklyGrasp  – Terms and Conditions

It is to notify all that mentioned herein are the terms of service which are applicable to everyone who accesses or uses the services provided by Quickly Grasp. All users are deemed to enter into the legally binding agreement with Quickly Grasp and shall be liable to the rights and liabilities arising out of the same.

The terms of service may vary from time to time without any notice and can be viewed on the website of management study guide and the user agrees to be bound by the modifications, amendments, revisions at all times. The agreement shall not operate to grant any user of any third party rights in whatsoever way possible.

The term ‘users’ shall include anyone who accesses, views, downloads, signs in, links, posts, transacts or otherwise uses the Quickly Grasp or any web page or feature or link available through Quickly Grasp, any information or data(‘data’ shall have the same meaning as given under the IT act) provided as part of the Quickly Grasp (hereinafter QG), or any account details, profiles, blog, articles projects, community, institution pages, job applications, event organization, surveys, emails or account registering, or any other service provided by MSG.

The term ‘services’ shall include all the free as well as paid features of MSG and all the services offered by QG including account generation, blogging, articles, community, institutions, jobs, events, surveys, projects and so on, and the same will be governed by the said terms of service.

The said terms shall not be affected by the terms of other third party websites that are not owned or controlled by the QG.

  • By availing or accessing the web page of QG or any feature therein every user shall deem to give its acceptance of abiding by the terms of service. It is advised to everyone to read the terms of service completely before using any service.
  • The user agrees to not use the services like articles, blog, community, to upload content that is defamatory, invasive of other’s privacy, hateful, vulgar, obscene or racially or religion wise objectionable, unlawful or against national integrity or national interest.
  • The user shall respect all the intellectual property rights and the moral rights associated thereof including trademarks, copyrights, goodwill, trade name, and the likewise and the same shall vest in the name of QG.
  • The user shall not engage in any activity attracting liability under the Information Technology Act, 2000(hereinafter IT Act).
  • The user shall not use the blogs, emails, community features for spreading threat and terror.
  • All users shall be subjected to the privacy policy of the QG and the DMCA copyright notice.
  • The user shall be deemed to be aware of the prices and commission rates of QG for selling of projects and such rates can be revised by QG without prior notice.
  • The sale once made cannot be cancelled and the user shall be solely responsible for all the money transactions involved and QG cannot be held liable in case of chargebacks or disputes related to online payment system.
  • It is the duty of the users to keep the content of the articles uploaded by them with an intent of selling the reprint rights, within the restrictions imposed by the said terms of service and the privacy policy of QG and MSG holds no responsibility for any dispute or objection of any kind.
  • The users can avail of the feature of community making which is free of cost at present, keeping in mind that the community so formed is not for any illegal purpose and abides by the said terms of service.
  • The user shall have to pay as per the rates going on to make any event to be a featured one and such rates can be revised without prior notice.
  • The user shall not involve in any other malpractice of any kind and fulfills the service eligibility criterion of QG as stated below.
  • The user when submits any information on his account, he is deemed expressly warrant the accuracy and is not confidential or in violation of any contractual restriction or other third party rights.
  • The user agrees to abide by the provision regarding jurisdiction in case of dispute stated in the said terms afterwards.
  • The user shall notify us of any alleged copyright violation by DMCA copyright notice at The format of notice is provided under the copyright policy stated below.

Any user warrants that he/she is a major, not suspended before from QG, has one account and no fake account, is not a competitor of QG and is legally allowed to enter into the contract.

In case of e-transactions the user warrants that he/she is authorized to use the credit card involved.

  • QG shall endeavor to provide efficient services, as may be possible, with respect to the features offered but shall not be liable for any technical problems arising on part of the service provider.
  • All contents shall be in accordance with the said terms of service and any unauthorized content can be removed without prior notice.
  • On receipt of a complain regarding any violations of the said terms of service or copyright infringements, QG team shall immediately act on it so as to end the difficulties.
  • Any explicit or sexual content can be filtered at the time of uploading.
  • QG not responsible in any manner whatsoever in any manner whatsoever for any defamatory, malicious, obscene or privacy or copyright infringing data having been uploaded by the user or any linked website.
  • QG shall not be liable for any illegal e-transactions as anticipated by the IT Act or any other law for the time being in force and the user must exercise diligence on their part.
  • QG owns all the proprietary rights as well as the intellectual property rights and the moral rights associated thereof, with respect to all the services provided and all user should respect the same.
  • QG has all rights to terminate the account/profile of any user if found to be in contravention of the said terms of service without any notice to the user.
  • QG has no control over, and no responsibility can be assumed for the content, privacy policy or the practices of such third party websites and is not responsible in any manner whatsoever to censor content on such websites.
  • QG is not to be made liable for any cheating instances happening with any user through the service of jobs feature and reserves the right to terminate any such feature on report without prior notice.

The user shall be responsible for keeping his password secure and is responsible for all the activities happening under his account. Any unauthorized access must be promptly reported at


Protection of data and how QG deals with user data is provided under the privacy policy of QG. All users agree to abide by the same. Any violations regarding the same should be reported at

  • QG clearly states that no ownership rights are claimed by it in the content submitted by the user but whatever content is submitted with aim to make it public, QG reserves the following privileges regarding the same:
    1. to use, reproduce, distribute, modify, adapt, filter and display such content for the purpose of providing and promoting the QG feature under which the said content has been submitted. This privilege exists as long as the user continues to keep the content and on removal of such content the privilege terminates.
    2. to charge as per the specifies rates on selected features.
  • QG is not responsible in any manner whatsoever for the content of the services or the linked web portals and reserves the right to amend or filter the same without any prior consultation with the owner of such another web portal.
  • Users should be aware that the content in the services may be protected by intellectual property laws and no user is authorized to tamper with it unless expressly authorized by the owner of such service or portal.
  • Users are not allowed to access and change the content in any community or institution pages unless expressly authorized by the owner of such page.

Any user on its own or QG, when having sufficient reasons to do so, can end its relationship with QG and on doing so the said terms of service does not apply on the user anymore. This termination can be done by user by notifying QG or sending a written correspondence to QG.

QG can on its own terminate its relationship with any user if it thinks fit to do so and including cases like:

  1. If the user breached any of provisions under the said terms of service or the privacy policy.
  2. Required by the law to do so.
  3. Services to the country of the user are no longer provided.
  4. Provisions of service to the user become economically non-viable.
  5. User has been report abused by 1000 other users and the same threshold can be changed by MSG at any time without any prior notice.

QG and all its licensors in future subject to the disclaimer notice shall not be liable to anyone for:

  1. Any direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential or exemplary damages which may be incurred by you, however caused and under any theory of liability.. this shall include, but not be limited to, any loss of profit (whether incurred directly or indirectly), any loss of goodwill or business reputation, any loss of data suffered, cost of procurement of substitute goods or services, or other intangible loss;
  2. Any loss or damage which may be incurred by you, including but not limited to loss or damage as a result of:
    1. Any reliance placed by you on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising, or as a result of any relationship or transaction between you and any advertiser or sponsor whose advertising appears on the services;
    2. Any changes which QG may make to the services, or for any permanent or temporary cessation in the provision of the services (or any features within the services);
    3. The deletion of, corruption of, or failure to store, any content and other communications data maintained or transmitted by or through your use of the services;
    4. Your failure to provide QG with accurate account information;
    5. Your failure to keep your password or account details secure and confidential;

The limitations on QG’s liability to anyone as abovementioned shall apply whether or not QG has been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of any such losses arising.


User undertakes to indemnify QG or any other portal or licensee associated with it to indemnify for any claims including the third party claims arising out of his actions including the attorney fees and actions shall include content posted by him, fully and expediently and also in case of violations of the said terms of service or any other right.


These Terms of Service, and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, may not be transferred or assigned by a user, but may be assigned by QG without restriction.


  1. The said terms of service defines the entire relationship of any user with QG and QG reserves the right to add any additional terms later on which shall not require any seperate consent of the user to be bound by it.
  2. In case of dispute, the said terms of service and the relationship between user and the QG shall be governed by the laws of India including the Indian Contract Act, 1872 and not be affected by any other law and MSG agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Mumbai, India where the registered office of QG is situated and henceforth agrees to waive any and all the objections related to the jurisdiction over the parties by/in such courts.
  3. If the user uses the Services, that user may (as a result of, or through his/her use of the Services) use a service or download a piece of software, or purchase goods, which are provided by another person or company. User’s use of these other services, software or goods may be subject to separate terms between user and the company or person concerned. If so, the Terms do not affect user’s legal relationship with these other companies or individuals.
  4. The Terms constitute the whole legal agreement between the user and QG and govern the use of the Services.
  5. User agrees that QG may provide the user with notices, including those regarding changes to the Terms, by email, regular mail, or postings on the Services.
  6. User agrees that if QG does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the Terms (or which QG has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of QG’s rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to QG.
  7. If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of these Terms is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the Terms without affecting the rest of the Terms. The remaining provisions of the Terms will continue to be valid and enforceable.

User agrees that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the MSG Services or the said terms of service must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.


By purchasing Premium Membership User agrees to the Copyright & Liability below:

Products are electronically transferred upon your acceptance to abide by the terms and conditions when you register for premium membership. This material is for a single user and all the slide masters, copyright, Logo, and other proprietary notices must always be kept intact. This product may not be re-sold, distributed electronically, reproduced electronically, stored in a database or retrieval system, except by written permission from the publisher. Any infraction or infringement will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The period of Lifetime Membership is the period till the time this Website is Functional.

All promotional withdrawal campaigns are approved by the Department of Economic Development, “Indian Economic”, and they are identical to the Commercial Permits Manual (which may be modified from time to time), as the permit number will appear for each promotional campaign.
Only the owners and members of an active membership in the online platform who agree to the user agreement may participate in our withdrawal campaigns.
When a member of the platform makes a purchase via the online platform, the member will receive one free voucher to enter the draw for each commodity he purchases, within a specific withdrawal campaign.
All products purchased from our online platform and whose total purchase value exceeds AED 100, are subject to the terms of free shipping within the India.
The customer (within the India) must receive the product he has purchased and who is authorized to enter the raffle so that he can claim the prize if he wins the raffle.
For the customer to receive the product that was purchased from the electronic platform, he must provide his address to complete the process of delivering the product to him for free. “An identity or identification documents are required from the platform member when receiving the product or there is an authorization for his representative to receive the product, and the identification documents should be valid.
Free raffle tickets numbers are issued via an accurate serial system, as they are arranged sequentially according to the date of purchasing the associated products. Consequently, the members of the electronic platform cannot choose the numbers of the voucher vouchers, because the numbers of these vouchers are issued automatically upon completion of the purchase of the associated products in a sequential manner.

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