Management of business and industrial enterprise involves basic function to achieve the objectives of the organization through many decision on a variety of business issues. Decision making is the process to select a particular course of action from among a number of alternatives.
According to Haynes Mote and Paul :
“Managerial Economics is the economics applied in decision-making. It is a special branch of economics bridging the gap between abstract theory and managerial practice.”
The following objectives are included in our Latest PowerPoint Presentation:-
- Introduction to Managerial Economics
- Business firm
- Law of demand and elasticity of demand
- Law and Elasticity of Supply
- Classification of Demand and capital goods
- Sales forecasting
- Cost analysis, output relationship
- Pricing, output decisions, policies and conventions
- Measurement of profit, policy and forecasting
- Capital budgeting and management
- Production function
- Law of Returns
- Trade cycles, policies and economic forecasting
- Product-line pricing
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