
Personal SWOT Analysis


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SWOT analysis technique was found by Albert Humphrey who led a research project at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s.  He used the data from Fortune 500 companies to identify why corporate planning failed.  His research identified a number of key areas that were critical to corporate planning and the tool used to explore each of the critical areas was called SOFT analysis. Albert Humphrey and the original research team used the following categories:

“What is good in the present is Satisfactory, good in the future is an Opportunity; bad in the present is a Fault and bad in the future is a Threat”.

In 1964, at a conference the F in ‘SOFT’ was changed to a W, and thus, the emergence of ‘SWOT’ Analysis as we know it today came into existence.

The following objectives are included in the Presentation:-

  • Explain the History of SWOT Analysis
  • Explain What is SWOT Analysis
  • Explain the Elements of SWOT Analysis
  • Explain the Objectives of SWOT
  • Describe the Internal and External Factors
  • Describe the Various SWOT Quadrants
  • Explain the 4As Model for Creating Strategies
  • Describe the Various Quadrant Combinations
  • Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis
  • List the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis


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