
Overcoming Procrastination


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Procrastination means putting off intentionally and habitually the doing of something that should be done. It voluntarily delays a course of action despite expecting to be worse off for the delay.

So, procrastinators usually are someone who knows what she or he wants to do, yet doesn’t do it. It can affect our work, personal lives and also success. People may disguise avoidance by procrastinating by thinking that they are very busy.

People may find things to do that are interesting or even useful, but don’t contribute towards the main goal. Procrastination involves feelings of anxiety, stress, guilt, shame and depression.

The following Objectives are included in our Latest Presentation:-

  • Explain What is Procrastination
  • List the Causes of Procrastination
  • Explain Why We Should Overcome Procrastination
  • Describe the Strategies to Overcome Procrastination
  • List the Procrastination Triggers
  • Explain the Steps to Beat Procrastination
  • Explain How to Prioritize Your Time
  • Explain the Relationship of Goals and Procrastination
  • Explain How Motivation can Overcome Procrastination
  • Explain the Relationship of Self-Confidence and Procrastination
  • Explain What is Self Esteem
  • List the Tips to Overcome Procrastination


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