Author: admin

Problem Solving
Problem Solving

Problem solving is the main and core activity of all management activities.  Innumerable problems will mushroom because of these unsolved …

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Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Introduction to Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Strategies are the critical backbone of business organizations today. Effective market coverage, availability of products at locations which …

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Recruitment Skills
Recruitment Skills

The process of attracting a group of people from within or outside of organization for a job vacancy and identifying …

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Situational Leadership
Situational Leadership

The Situational Leadership Model has undergone a number of cosmetic and substantive changes since its inception in 1969. This evolution …

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Ethical Leadership
Ethical Leadership

Ethical Leadership means using ethics and making an ethical decision in situations that are faced by leaders. It means keeping in …

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Corporate Etiquette
Corporate Etiquette

‘Corporate Etiquette’ is defined as the code of ethical and honourable behavior with respect to a professional practice or behavior …

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Reinforcement Theory of Motivation
Reinforcement Theory of Motivation

Reinforcement theory of motivation was proposed by BF Skinner and his associates.  It states that individual’s behavior is a function …

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Pareto Analysis
Pareto Analysis

A famous Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto found the ‘Pareto Principle’ or ‘Pareto Analysis’ in 1879. Pareto based his principle on …

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Personal Branding and Image Building
Personal Branding and Image Building

Tom Peters first introduced the term ‘Personal Brand’ in his 1997 book called The Brand Called You. Personal Branding is the …

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Principles of Psychology
Principles of Psychology

Principles of Psychology is the crucial base needed to understand how an individual’s mindset is impacted by various aspects. The …

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